A disabled mum says she has been left for months with a hole in her ceiling and black mould growing in her flat.

Kerry Lee, 56, is frightened for her health as she suffers from asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). She is also bed-bound following a stroke.

“It’s disgusting,” she said. “I’ve never known anything like it in my life. Peabody have got to be the worst agency ever.

“When I phone up to make a complaint, it takes them forever to come and do it.”

Kerry, who is visited by carers three times a day, has lived in her Peabody housing association flat in Mint Street, Bethnal Green, for almost a decade.

Black mould is growing on the ceiling outside Kerry's bedroom. Peabody came out to fix it, but it came straight back againBlack mould is growing on the ceiling outside Kerry's bedroom (Image: Joe Cavanagh)

She said the problems began around seven months ago when wet patches started appearing on the ceiling.

Peabody dispatched a series of plumbers to look in the flat above and on the roof but could not find any problem.

“Weeks went by with the patches getting worse and mould spreading throughout the house until finally the ceiling collapsed and loads of water came pouring in,” said Kerry’s son Joe.

“The water had damaged my mum’s floor that she saved up out of her disability money to get done.”

The leak caused part of Kerry Lee's ceiling to collapse, filling her flat with waterThe leak caused part of Kerry Lee's ceiling to collapse, filling her flat with water (Image: Joe Cavanagh)

The water even got into the electrical cupboard and has repeatedly caused Kerry’s lights and circuit boards to malfunction, he added.

“They’ve stopped the leak now, but I’ve got a great big hole in the ceiling and the ceiling outside my bedroom is covered in black mould,” said Kerry.

“It’s been there for ages. They came out to mend it once, but it’s come back with a vengeance. It’s all in my cupboard now."

Joe claimed that the mould has caused his mum’s health to decline, including "a massive impact on her mental health".

Mould is also growing on Kerry's walls and floorMould is also growing on Kerry's walls and floor (Image: Joe Cavanagh)

He said his mother was struggling to sleep and eat due to the worry. 

“Peabody keep fobbing her off with empty promises and no results," he alleged.

A Peabody spokesperson said: “We’re very sorry for the problems Ms Lee has been having in her home. We have already visited and made some repairs and we will be completing the remaining work as soon as possible.”

In the meantime, Joe has set up an online fundraising page to help fix the damage to the flat. To donate, visit: https://gofund.me/8218a818